At least I hope that is true. To be honest with you I am feeling a bit scared. I quit my job to commit myself to full-time and to have some flexibility to spend more time with my kids. My last day was on Thursday. Today, Monday, is my first day at home. I can't believe I don't have to get up and drive to work! I won't miss the commute, that's for sure, but getting into a new routine, especially one that doesn't involve a regular paycheque, is a bit intimidating.
For some reason I am feeling extremely emotional. I could cry at the drop of a hat. I had all of these plans to catch up on unfinished business and really get moving on things now that I have more time. Unfortunately, life got in the way. Being at home actually complicates things a bit. My daughter woke up with the stomach flu (just in time for Halloween!) and since I am here, she only wants me. She normally loves our babysitter and is thrilled to get out and about to visit her pals but today she wasn't going anywhere and it was only mommy she wanted.
Oh well, hopefully all of you urban moms can relate. I am curious though, how many of you are trying to run a home-based business and how many are doing something else? Take the poll below to let me know and see how other moms are making it work.