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October 24, 2006



Those who do not want to hear about our daily adventures are usually those without kids. It is always so refreshing to have a giggle (or a cry) with another parent anout the daily struggles to help our kids be well rounded and content. Honestly is the best policy. Mom(s) and/or Dad(s) who never have any complaints will oneday explode from keeping it all inside. Sounds like a great conference, too far to travel for me but for those who attend and participate ENJOY!


I heard Jen Lawrence (MUBAR and another presenter) talking about this on CBC this morning. Also talking about motherhood and blogging. Made me realize how fortunate I am to have such a great group of face-to-face friends, but also how wonderful a site like this is to provide that "friendship" to moms who need it.


Sadly working the long day 9-8:30 on Friday...

And yes, what the heck IS up with Yuniqua?!? I've wondered that myself.


Would LOVE to be there, Catherine. Good luck! I'll be representin' urbanmoms.ca at the Today's Parent Baby and Toddler Show - another momcentric event with a slightly different twist - less philosophyzing and much more shopping!! Please let us know all about it.


that sounds like a great conference.i was watching dr. phil one day and he was setting some dad straight about his stay at home wifes jobs.he said that stay at home mums work the equivalent of 2 full time jobs. anyhow nice for us mums to be acknowledged,for all the hard work we do.wish i could check out the conference.so yay to all us hard working mums!

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