Your Blogger Host: Ali

  • Ali, career mom of 3 and urban hipster, writes about the trials of trying to stay tuned in to the latest while balancing work, family, friends and trends in her Fabulous blog. Contact Ali at [email protected].
    Check out Ali's blog: Cheaper Than Therapy

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November 16, 2007


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Hooray for you! Looks like fun. Hey...and there's my best girl Tova!!

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just think of all the non-baseball fans that woudl have been in an uproar had they not give this man 30 million. ahah cardinals paid way to much for a human meat bag.


Really great post, Thank you for sharing This knowledge.Excellently written article, if only all bloggers offered the same level of content as you, the internet would be a much better place. Please keep it up!

jon spender

i think its good but your hook could be better, i just didn't feel compelled to finish reading it.


ali, that looked like so much fun, and you look lovely in the pics! looks like the boys were a little giddy to meet YOU!!


OH MY GOSH, you did great.


You rock!!! And you looked fabulous doing it!!!


We loved that movie! I am going to have to head over and enter that contest!


Chris...they loved the question!!! i KNOW you meant it as a joke...but it was perfect!

Sparky Duck

well this is certainly not as dirty as I hoped

Chris Cactus

Sweet lord...the boxers vs briefs suggestion was a JOKE! ;)

lisa b

wow Ali that sounds like so much fun.


Good job there Ali! I'm not a musical all... but you got me kinda wanting to see it!


Aww thats cute. :)


Great review & interview.
You even kept this urban dad reading until the end.


I wasn't going to get the DVD, but ater reading your article I am totally reconsidering. I think my 7 year old will love to have it!!!
Really good job!


I LOVE Christopher Walken. And, I'm SO happy to hear he's just as wacky in real life. LOVE. I think he's someone I'd like to have dinner with, come to think of it.... Is that weird? LOVE that you posted a vid - gives us a feel of your experience! AWESOME! GREAT GREAT GREAT interview. Way to REPRESENT us urbans! LOVE! xoxo!!


You look FANTASTIC! Great interview, Ali!


You are so awesome Ali!

Great stuff.


Cool .. great job Ali!

I'm in hysterics .. "squatting in fields". "Girls popping out". Man, that must have been a fun interview for THEM!

Did you get more on video?

Jen Maier

Hooray for you! Looks like fun. Hey...and there's my best girl Tova!!


Hey girl. You did great. I totally see you in a job like this.

SciFi Dad

That was an awesome interview, Ali. You really did an excellent job with it.

I like neither musicals nor the concept of the DVD, yet it kept me interested. Good for you.

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