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  • Ali, career mom of 3 and urban hipster, writes about the trials of trying to stay tuned in to the latest while balancing work, family, friends and trends in her Fabulous blog. Contact Ali at [email protected].
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March 09, 2007



HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I can't take it -- this cracked me RIGHT up! I canNOT believe he wants to grow it long. You did tell me that a little while ago, and I still cannot believe it! I have to see this! ;)

Josh finally got himself a good haircut. He's BLESSED also with a full, thick head of hair. Only he HAS to wear gel. He finally went to a hairdresser who backed me up and told him he must wear gel. So, we're good: he has both an a) great hair cut and a b) gelled head. NICE. Jealous much?? ;)


Now, you say you wax it for, if he goes long, so should you.....see how long it takes him to get a haircut.....*S*


Obviously, you have to start withholding the goods. or stop waxing.

i kid gav, i kid.
sort of.


Oh boy...where to go on the husband hair issue? How many characters does this comment box accept?

My perfect husband refuses to have his hair professionally cut. Yes, you read that right. Not even $10 for the local barber (actually, I'm sure it'd be more like $20, but STILL!) As a result, I've become quite a hand with the scissors and trimmer, and DH is constant buzz-cut boy. He doesn't care how it looks, he cares - get this - HOW IT FEELS UNDER HIS BIKE HELMET. Yes. That is his priority.

I only WISH he would decide to grow his hair long (he does have thin, blond, surfer-boy hair by nature). But he won't.

So I guess we can have an inverse relationship...the shorter he keeps his head hair, the longer I keep my **** hair? :)


Oh, Ali, I can relate...unfortunately it is my 7.5 year old SON who will not get his shag tamed! You think a wife should have some say? What about a mother? Isn't that my sole purpose??? Oh well, everyone keeps telling me it looks good...

My hubby too has a full head of hair but being Mr. Conservative it is the same cut year after year...maybe you should consider your husband's different do's a good thing? You never know, after the in-between stage it could be HOTT!

Oh, and waxing your privates earns you nada...'cept maybe better foreplay ;)

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